Pressure-Directed Solution for Arterial Embolization

Embolx is driving innovation for arterial embolization using high-pressure and low-pressure.

Designing Performance.
Delivering Precision.


Dr. Brian Kouri from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and Dr. Aaron Fischman from Mount Sinai Hospital recorded a Balloon Occlusion Embolization Course discussing PAE, HCC, Radioembolization. Click HERE to watch and retrieve CME credit. 

APRIL 16-19, 2023: CONFERENCE  Embolx is excited to be supporting and attending the European Conference on Interventional Oncology meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. 

May 18-21, 2023: CONFERENCE  Embolx is excited to be supporting and attending the GEST meeting in New York City, NY.


530 Lakeside Dr. #150, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
+1-408-990-2949 | Contact Us